The EMAN Tender Project Consortium was composed of seven European organisations who are involved in radiation protection in the medical field and in the implementation of the ALARA principle:
- Strålsäkerhetsmyndigheten – Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM), which led and coordinatied the project,
- Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz (BfS) – Federal Office for Radiation Protection, Germany,
- Centre d’étude sur l’Evaluation de la Protection dans le domaine Nucléaire (CEPN) – Nuclear Protection Evaluation Center, France,
- European Federation of Organisations for Medical Physics (EFOMP),
- European Federation of Radiographer Societies (EFRS),
- European Radiation Dosimetry Group e. V. (EURADOS),
- European Society of Radiology (ESR).
The EMAN Tender Project was coordinated by a Steering Committee, which was composed of one representative from each of the organisations of the consortium together with a representative from the European Commission and a representative from the Medical Working Party of the Article 31 Group of Experts.