ESR@Work September 2015 – EuroSafe Imaging Update
Ask EuroSafe Imaging
Ask EuroSafe Imaging is a new feature on the EuroSafe Imaging website providing professionals, patients, carers and the public the opportunity to submit questions to three expert working groups in the areas of CT, interventional radiology and paediatric imaging. Each of the working groups is composed of a radiologist, a medical physicist and a radiographer, who will use requests received via the website to publish online FAQs and Tips & Tricks.
The Ask EuroSafe Imaging initiative is intended to make information on quality and safety issues easily available to patients and healthcare professionals, as outlined in the EuroSafe Imaging Call for Action (Action 11).
Click here to submit your question to EuroSafe Imaging!
EuroSafe Imaging participated in ‘Justificação e Optimização das Exposições Médicas a Radiações Ionizantes’ workshop in Lisbon/Portugal
A workshop on Justification and Optimisation for Medical Exposures to Ionising Radiation was held in Lisbon, Portugal from September 10-12, 2015. The workshop was supported by the Portuguese Ministry of Health, the World Health Organisation and the IAEA and brought together radiologists, radiographers, medical physicists, health authorities and related stakeholders from Portugal, Brazil and Portuguese-speaking countries in Africa.
The ESR was invited to present the EuroSafe Imaging campaign as well as its Clinical Decision Support initiative ESR iGuide. The ESR encouraged colleagues from Portuguese-speaking countries to raise awareness of the importance of radiation protection in daily practice, and presented EuroSafe Imaging and other recently launched regional initiatives such as AFROSAFE or Canada Safe Imaging as ways to reach a wider audience.
Improving appropriateness is a main challenge in enhancing quality and safety in medical imaging, which is why the ESR has made it a priority to improve the availability and usage of imaging referral guidelines in Europe. ESR iGuide, a Clinical Decision Support system for European imaging referral guidelines, is an IT solution that will integrate imaging referral guidelines into doctor’s workflows to provide them with non-punitive recommendations according to evidence-based guidelines at the point of care. ESR iGuide was launched at ECR 2015 and will be available in Europe from 2016.
EuroSafe Imaging at CIRSE 2015
Join EuroSafe Imaging at the second Radiation Protection Pavilion at the CIRSE Annual Meeting from September 26-30, 2015, in Lisbon, Portugal. Organised by the Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiological Society of Europe (CIRSE), the Radiation Protection Pavilion is an interactive awareness campaign on radiation protection and dose management in interventional radiology, providing tailored information and services to promote safe practices amongst interventional professionals. The Radiation Protection Pavilion is supported by ESR’s EuroSafe Imaging campaign.
Visit the EuroSafe Imaging Booth (RPP2) in the Radiation Protection Pavilion in Exhibition Hall 1 to find out more about the campaign’s Call for Action, test the radiation protection modules of the ESR’s e-learning platform Education on Demand, and support efforts to strengthen medical radiation protection by becoming a Friend of EuroSafe Imaging!
PiDRL workshop
The results and draft European Guidelines of the PiDRL project, a European Commission tender project coordinated by the ESR to establish diagnostic reference levels (DRLs) for paediatric examinations, will be presented and discussed at the upcoming PiDRL Workshop in Lisbon, Portugal.
The workshop will be held at the Lisbon School of Health Technology (ESTeSL) from October 15-17, 2015 with 170 registered participants from 32 different countries worldwide.
The final workshop programme is available on the PiDRL website ( and the book of abstracts will be published online on October 1. The pre-final draft of the ‘European Guidelines on DRLs for Paediatric Imaging’ will be available for stakeholder comments during the month of October 2015 at
ECR 2016 Preliminary Programme
The ESR recently published the first preliminary programme for the European Congress of Radiology 2016 which features four dedicated EuroSafe Imaging sessions as well as several related sessions affiliated with the campaign.
EuroSafe Imaging Session 1
Low-dose research in medical radiation protection
Wednesday, March 2, 08:30-10:00
EuroSafe Imaging Session 2
EuroSafe Imaging Alliance & Campaign – what is new?
Wednesday, March 2, 16:00-17:30
EuroSafe Imaging Session 3
Joint Session of the ESR and HERCA (Heads of the European Radiological protection Competent Authorities): the new EU-BSS Directive – a step forward to patient safety
Friday, March 4, 2016, 16:00-17:30
EuroSafe Imaging Session 4
You too can definitely do audits
Saturday, March 5, 16:00-17:30
Other EuroSafe Imaging Sessions:
How to assess and communicate examination risks to patients and referring physicians?
Thursday, March 3, 08:30-10:00
Clinical Decision Support (CDS)
Thursday, March 3, 16:00-17:30
EFOMP Workshop: radiation protection for the female patient and female medical staff
Friday, March 4, 08:30-10:00 (EF 1) and 10:00-12:00 (EF 2)
MIR Session: improving quality and safety in radiology
Friday, March 4, 14:00-15:30
Safety issues in medical imaging
Saturday, March 5, 16:00-17:30
Monitoring Quality and Safety
Sunday, March 6, 10:30-12:00
The ECR 2016 preliminary programme is available here.