ESR@Work January 2016 – EuroSafe Imaging Update

EuroSafe Imaging at ECR 2016

EuroSafe Imaging has plenty in store for the upcoming European Congress of Radiology 2016, making sure that the issue of radiation protection and the ESR’s quality and safety projects are front and centre throughout the conference.

Poster exhibition & information booth

This year, the EuroSafe Imaging poster exhibition is moving to an electronic format using the ESR’s Electronic Presentation Online System (EPOS). The theme of the exhibition is Action 3 of the EuroSafe Imaging Call for Action: Dose Optimisation – concepts and initiatives for increased patient safety.

Delegates can view the posters from the terminals in the ECR Online & EPOS Lounge on the first floor of the Austria Center Vienna (ACV). But, thanks to the EPOS system you will be able to view the posters online permanently even if you can’t make it to Vienna. Visit after ECR to see how participating individuals and organisations have supported the EuroSafe Imaging Call for Action.

We would also like to welcome you to the EuroSafe Imaging information booth in the ACV entrance hall – stop by to find out more about the campaign and our Call for Action, new initiatives like Ask EuroSafe Imaging and EuroSafe Imaging Stars, and support the ESR’s efforts to improve radiation protection by becoming a Friend of EuroSafe Imaging!

Furthermore, EuroSafe Imaging is launching a major new initiative at ECR 2016: EuroSafe Imaging Stars. Aimed at recruiting imaging departments as models for best practice in radiation protection, EuroSafe Imaging Stars will partner with the ESR to cooperate on projects to improve quality and safety in medical imaging. If your facility has what it takes to become a EuroSafe Imaging Star, apply online and show your patients that you put their safety and quality of care first!


For the first time, EuroSafe Imaging has become a session category in its own right in the official ECR programme. In 2016, four scientific sessions are categorised as EuroSafe Imaging sessions, while a number of related sessions are also promoted as part of the campaign.

EuroSafe Imaging Session 1

Low-dose research in medical radiation protection

Wednesday, March 2, 08:30–10:00, Room L8


EuroSafe Imaging Session 2

EuroSafe Imaging Alliance & Campaign – what is new?

Wednesday, March 2, 16:00–17:30, Room E2


EuroSafe Imaging Session 3

Joint Session of the ESR and HERCA: the new EU BSS directive – a step forward to patient safety

Friday, March 4, 16:00–17:30, Room M1


EuroSafe Imaging Session 4

You too can definitely do audits

Saturday, March 5, 16:00–17:30, Room L8


Click here for an overview of all EuroSafe Imaging-related activities at ECR 2016. The final programme for ECR 2016 is available here.