WP 6

Based on the implementation of Work Packages 2-5, Work Package 6 developed guidance providing concrete advice, examples of good practices and guidelines on how to implement the process of justification in a hospital or private practice.

The guidance document was informed by information provided from inspections undertaken by regulatory bodies (on a national and international basis through HERCA), audits undertaken by approved bodies and professional societies and experience of practicing radiologist and radiographer WP members involved with the project, as well as other members of ESR. The aim was to also include reference to patient pathways, checklists used by regulators and auditors to clarify actions and responsibilities and examples of internal hospital processes.

Findings and conclusions from the literature review, survey and the pilot audits, alongside input from key stakeholders, provided essential input to the guidance document. Elements of the guidance document include: requirements of the BSSD for justification, definition of the justification principle, description of the justification process, description of the stakeholders involved and description of their responsibilities, examples of justification written procedures etc.

The Draft Guidance Document was discussed at the EU-JUST-CT Workshop on 28-29 September.

The final Guidance Document to Assist Radiology Departments in Improving Justification is available as PART 2 of the final project report EC Radiation Protection Series No 205: European co-ordinated action on improving justification of computed tomography – Results and recommendations from a first-time multi-national study on CT justification in the EU.

Lead: B. Brkljačić
Co-Lead: S. Ebdon-Jackson
Contributors: A. Brady, J. Sosna, S. Foley, A. Karoussou-Schreiner, R. Bly, Project Office, Steering Group, Advisory Group

Task 6.1. Develop proposal for format and table of contents of the guidance document in consultation with the Steering Group

Task 6.2. This task includes the writing of the guidance document and related consultation with the Steering Group and other relevant stakeholders